What’s The Fuss About Gluten? I Know. Let Me Share To You

It’s common nowadays to see some snacks and other foods with the label “gluten-free”. A lot of people don’t actually mind that label at all, while others are curious. If you haven’t known what gluten is and why foods without gluten are more important to take, then don’t skip this page.

GrainImage source: ounewsbureau

Gluten is “a protein composite found in” grains. This makes dough elastic, but it has bad effects to the health.

Why Avoid Foods with Gluten?

#1 – Gluten Can Damage Your Gut

The first part of the body that can be damaged by too much consumption of gluten is gut. This can result to inflammation, poor metabolism, and digestive problems. It will make you have difficulty in consuming foods and drinks over time.

#2 – Gluten Isn’t Good for People with Celiac Disease

Celiac disease refers to the damage in the intestine caused by a disease. This is already a big problem, so the consumption of gluten is not advisable. It’s important to stay away from foods that contain gluten.

#3 – Gluten Intensifies Existing Inflammation

People suffering from joint pain, inflammation, and swelling are also suggested to avoid gluten. It can worsen the feeling, and no one likes to experience that excruciating pain.

Gluten freeImage source: oneill-injurysolicitors

#4 – Gluten Affects the Immune System

Let’s not forget that there are cells in the gut. If gluten has damaged your gut, the immune system is under attack as well. This makes you more susceptible to suffer from various infections and diseases, including simple conditions like colds and flu. But a weakened immune system can likely lead to serious health problems.

#5 – Gluten Doesn’t Help in Losing Weight

One other ability of gluten is that it creates insulin resistance. The effect of this can make your sugar levels uncontrollable. Aside from the vulnerability to diabetes, high sugar in the system can add layers of fat making your weight increased.

What are the Foods with Gluten that You Should Avoid?

PastaImage source: ulaola

#1 – Pasta

Ready-to-cook pasta and pasta ordered from a local restaurant are something to watch out for. You have no idea if they contain gluten. Unless labeled as gluten-free, do not choose just any pasta. Besides, you can always make your own pasta as long as you know the method on how to prepare some.

Breads and Other PastriesImage source: free-picture

#2 – Breads and Other Pastries

From cookies to muffins and sandwiches to buns, many types of breads and pastries contain gluten. The dough to make these foods needs more elasticity than pasta, so there’s a much higher chance that your favorite bread from a local pastry shop isn’t gluten-free.

This also means you must be careful with your purchase of baking powders. It normally consists of baking soda, flour or starch, and cream of tartar. You have to see if it’s labeled with gluten-free before adding to your cart.

CornbreadImage source: ideal-living

#3 – Cornbread

Cornbread usually has wheat mixed in it. That also means there’s a possibility that it contains gluten. If you are about to buy one from a store, think again before you do. It may be best to check the label or ask the pastry maker if it’s gluten-free or not.

Salad DressingsImage source: wisegeekhealth

#4 – Salad Dressings

Oh sure, that bowl of leafy greens and tomatoes sounds healthy. However, the dressing may be a culprit to some health problems in the long run. Many bottles of salad dressing can be bought over the counters in grocery stores. You need to avoid that as well when you can make your own dressing. Furthermore, there are great choices of essential oils that you can drizzle over your salad.

Bag Potatoe chips, KartoffelchipsImage source: kksblog

#5 – Potato Chips

Some people cannot easily avoid this particular food. Well, it’s salty, crunchy, and tasty, so who wouldn’t? But despite being categorized as junk food, potato chips may also contain gluten.

Chewing GumImage source: dallas-carpet-cleaning

#6 – Chewing Gum

Sure, gums can also contain gluten. In fact, a lot of known brands of chewing gum have gluten-based powder. This is another one to avoid, although it takes you a few minutes only to chew it.

Other foods to look out for:
• Biscuits
• Crackers
• Cakes
• Cake mixes
• Cereals
• Ice cream
• Canned soups

If most of these foods are included in your regular diet, it’s best to stay away from them. Instead, read labels always or ask whether there’s the presence of gluten or not. Remember to live a healthy life by eating nutritious and gluten-free foods.

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