Is It Expensive to Eat Vegetables? The Answer Will Blow Your Mind!

Eating Vegetables

“Oh, vegetables are expensive!”

“Vegetarian diets are incredibly costly!”

“I don’t want to be a vegetarian because I don’t’ have much budget.”

These are among the common phrases (or excuses) you’ll likely hear from people who are not certain whether they must become vegetarians or not. Some people think it may cost them more if they opt for a full vegetarian diet. To shed light on this fallacy, let’s discuss how vegetarians actually save money on their diet.

Food Diagram

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The diagram above is a sample representation of the average daily budget of different types of food consumers.

If you study it carefully, meat and fish eaters spend more money (from $0.25 to $3.75 a day) compared to vegetarians and vegans. The simple explanation is due to the fact that food ingredients of non-vegetarians are costlier than organic and whole foods.

Vegetarian foods

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Vegetarian foods do look amazing and delicious, which make them wrongfully thought as expensive diets. Trust me, even non-vegetarians find vegetarian presentations to be very elegantly mouth-watering. But it is a fact that non-meat foods are cheaper.

When fruits and vegetables are harvested, the process is plain easy and simple. Farmers just pick them from their plants or extract them from the soil, whereas in meat production, the procedure is so complex, arduous, and not to mention, gruesome. They have to hunt animals, and then later slaughter them. They also need to learn how to cut flesh and bones the proper way. If animals are in farming, they have to make sure they are healthy and well taken care of, which also is a demanding job. When it’s time for production, money is at stake. They have to guarantee they nourish healthy and profitable animals. For that reason, they offer a fair higher amount when selling to manufacturers, distributors, and retailers of meat products.

Food Savings

In my humble opinion, vegetarians can possibly spend more money than the recommended daily expenses in foods alone. That’s one mistake of some non-meat consumers. One possible reason is because of a large family to feed. If not, it may be due to unplanned food savings. If you nod your head as a sign of agreement, then you need several tips on how to save money for vegetarian diets.

1. Make a food inventory.

Food Inventory

If you are familiar with the price of vegetables and fruits, both in peak and off-peak seasons, you have an idea of how much to spend. If not, then start by shopping around and find out how whole and organic foods cost. Make sure you also know the cost of canned foods, frozen foods, and dried foods. Doing this helps you create your own food budget.

2. Shop in season.

Vegetables Shop

Both vegetables and fruits are available in the market year-round. However, it’s only during their seasons when they are more affordable to buy. If it’s season for summer squash these days, then expect the cost to be lower. And when prices are low, buy more than what you need for the day so you have more to eat for the rest of the week.

3. Cook and eat what you can only consume.

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A true vegetarian knows the right amount of foods to eat per meal without wasting money. For any excess, you have to save it for the next day. When there is more on your plate, put in the fridge or place it somewhere safe for a quick bite later.

Save Animals

At the end of the day, you do not only remain healthy and spend less money with vegetarian diet, but also help save animals’ life.

Choose a Healthy Vegetarian Lifestyle and share this article with others to help them adapt this lifestyle too!


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